Radical Part 7: Radical Compassion
May 16th, 2021
When have you had compassion - a sympathetic concern for the suffering of others - when you saw someone or a group of people going through suffering and it broke your heart? When has someone had compa...  Read More
Radical Part 6: Radical Sacrifice
May 9th, 2021
When do you remember your mom sacrificing - giving up what she loved for what she loved even more - for you? If you are a mom, how do you now do that for your kids?...  Read More
Radical Part 5: Radical Revelation
May 2nd, 2021
When has someone been radically generous to you in a way that maybe didn't even make sense or was unusual? If not to you, when have you seen someone be radically generous to someone else?...  Read More
Radical Part 4: Radical Love
April 24th, 2021
What are some things you've done that required something from you? (Joined the military, completed your degree, got a driver's license)......  Read More
Radical, Part 3: Radical Boldness
April 17th, 2021
When have you seen someone be radical or bold and it led you to do the same thing or to be bold or radical in your own way because of their example?...  Read More
Radical Part 2: Radical Life
April 11th, 2021
What is something that only you or your family do because that's what someone that came before you did, or that's how you always experienced it, even though no one else did it?...  Read More
Radical, Part 1: Radical Easter
April 4th, 2021
What is the most radical, extreme thing you have ever done or experienced? When you think of radical, extreme, non traditional moments or people in history, what comes to mind?...  Read More
Heart For The House, Part 2
March 28th, 2021
How did your family growing up pour into each other? When were there times that you had to focus on another family member, and when were there times that the family focused on you......  Read More


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