Keeping Score: Part 3-True Victory
August 25, 2024
Sermon Page
Sermon Slides
Micro Church Launch, August 25th
Tonight, August 25th, at 6pm at our North & East campuses, all of our existing Micro Churches as well as several new ones will be kicking off the new semester together! If you’re not a part of a Micro Church, this is the perfect opportunity for you to join one. Everyone will meet, have a potluck dinner together, and experience what a typical Micro Church gathering will look & feel like. Childcare will be provided. Visit to register or mark the Micro Church box on your Connection Card.
OneLife Students Movie Night, August 28th
Wednesday Night, August 28th, OneLife Students from both campuses will be coming together for a movie night at the North Campus. We will be watching, Jesus Revolution, which will be the perfect way for us to wrap up our current series, Revival Generation. A movie night wouldn't be complete without popcorn, candy, and soda. The night will start at 6pm and we will wrap up at 8:15pm. For more information write “movie night” on your connection card or mark the “OneLife Students” box on your connection card.
MyOneLife - A 4-Week Sunday Morning Small Group Experience
The first step for every OneLifer to get involved and get to know our church culture and mission is a 4-week small group experience called MyOneLife. It takes place on Sunday mornings in the Meeting Room at each of our campuses. You’ll learn about the vision & values of our church, discover your personal mission & spiritual gifts, and find out tons of ways to get involved. The next MyOneLife will start on September 1st, so for more information or to sign up, mark the “MyOneLife” box on your Connection Card.
If you’ve given your life to Jesus but haven’t gone public with your story through baptism then it’s time to take that step! Mark the baptism box on your Connection Card and we’ll help you get started.
Give Jesus your best! Make a one-time tithe or offering or to set up a recurring tithe or offering: Click Here To Give Online.
Bottom Line: Correcting what I count leads to true victory.
Mark 8:34 NLT
Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.
Mark 8:35 NLT
If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.
Trade my self interests for God's interests.
Give up total control.
Mark 8:36-37 NLT
And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?Is anything worth more than your soul?
Redefine winning.
Mark 8:38 NLT
If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
Live for an audience of one.
When have you had to correct what you were counting to really accomplish what you wanted or to accomplish what was really better? (i.e. first downs vs. touchdowns or number of gifts vs. the value of the gifts or weeds vs. grass in the yard, etc.).
Read Mark 8:34. Why is the word "must" so important to this verse? What does it do to the meaning of this verse compared to if the word had been "should" or "can"?
Re-read this verse in two other translations. How does this verse help to give a better understanding, and a simple definition, of being a disciple of Jesus? How would you define "disciple" and how would you explain it to someone else based on this verse?
Read Mark 8:35.
When have you tried so hard to hang on to something - a relationship, a dream, a belief, etc. - but no matter what you did you lost it? When have you experienced the opposite, of letting it go and then Jesus working out what was truly best for you?
Read Mark 8:36-37.
What are the things of this world that we are all so easily - if not naturally - drawn to pursue first and foremost every day? How do those "rights and privileges" that we may feel are owed to us threaten to get in the way of God's kingdom?
Read Mark 8:38.
When have you been challenged to live for the audience of one? How did that require you to not be ashamed of Jesus and His word even to yourself? And how did it require that of you with others?
Take each of the four supporting points from this message and share one thing about each of them that you sense the Holy Spirit is leading you to do and then share what you are going to do about it:
1. Trade my self interests for God's interests.
2. Give up total control.
3. Redefine winning.
4. Live for an audience of one.
Pray for the steps each person felt led to do in the section above. Pray that each of us will grow closer to Jesus and experience his presence more and more in a real way. Pray that those around us who do not yet know Him will be drawn to Jesus because they see us living like him. Pray that we will hold each other accountable and help each other live out these ways of Jesus each and every day.
Be sure to fill out the online Connection Card to let us know next steps, prayer requests, or other information you'd like to share, click here.
Share spiritual/missional conversations you've had where you live, work, and play:
- Who did you have a conversation with that took a spiritual/missional turn this week?
- What questions did you ask to discover where God is at work in their life, even if they are not aware?
- How were you able to share your story of life change or how you have experienced Jesus?
- How can you be intentional this week with people where you live, work, and play to have spiritual/missional conversations if the opportunity arises?
- Who in your life do you think could be disciple-able or open to spiritual/missional conversations?
- Discuss the next step for your micro church. When will we gather again, and which purpose will it fulfill (missions, fellowship/care, growth, worship, multiplication)?/giveback/giveback
- Discuss the next step for your micro church. When will we gather again, and which purpose will it fulfill (missions, fellowship/care, growth, worship, multiplication)?
August 25, 2024
Sermon Page
Sermon Slides
Micro Church Launch, August 25th
Tonight, August 25th, at 6pm at our North & East campuses, all of our existing Micro Churches as well as several new ones will be kicking off the new semester together! If you’re not a part of a Micro Church, this is the perfect opportunity for you to join one. Everyone will meet, have a potluck dinner together, and experience what a typical Micro Church gathering will look & feel like. Childcare will be provided. Visit to register or mark the Micro Church box on your Connection Card.
OneLife Students Movie Night, August 28th
Wednesday Night, August 28th, OneLife Students from both campuses will be coming together for a movie night at the North Campus. We will be watching, Jesus Revolution, which will be the perfect way for us to wrap up our current series, Revival Generation. A movie night wouldn't be complete without popcorn, candy, and soda. The night will start at 6pm and we will wrap up at 8:15pm. For more information write “movie night” on your connection card or mark the “OneLife Students” box on your connection card.
MyOneLife - A 4-Week Sunday Morning Small Group Experience
The first step for every OneLifer to get involved and get to know our church culture and mission is a 4-week small group experience called MyOneLife. It takes place on Sunday mornings in the Meeting Room at each of our campuses. You’ll learn about the vision & values of our church, discover your personal mission & spiritual gifts, and find out tons of ways to get involved. The next MyOneLife will start on September 1st, so for more information or to sign up, mark the “MyOneLife” box on your Connection Card.
If you’ve given your life to Jesus but haven’t gone public with your story through baptism then it’s time to take that step! Mark the baptism box on your Connection Card and we’ll help you get started.
Give Jesus your best! Make a one-time tithe or offering or to set up a recurring tithe or offering: Click Here To Give Online.
Bottom Line: Correcting what I count leads to true victory.
Mark 8:34 NLT
Then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.
Mark 8:35 NLT
If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.
Trade my self interests for God's interests.
Give up total control.
Mark 8:36-37 NLT
And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?Is anything worth more than your soul?
Redefine winning.
Mark 8:38 NLT
If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
Live for an audience of one.
When have you had to correct what you were counting to really accomplish what you wanted or to accomplish what was really better? (i.e. first downs vs. touchdowns or number of gifts vs. the value of the gifts or weeds vs. grass in the yard, etc.).
Read Mark 8:34. Why is the word "must" so important to this verse? What does it do to the meaning of this verse compared to if the word had been "should" or "can"?
Re-read this verse in two other translations. How does this verse help to give a better understanding, and a simple definition, of being a disciple of Jesus? How would you define "disciple" and how would you explain it to someone else based on this verse?
Read Mark 8:35.
When have you tried so hard to hang on to something - a relationship, a dream, a belief, etc. - but no matter what you did you lost it? When have you experienced the opposite, of letting it go and then Jesus working out what was truly best for you?
Read Mark 8:36-37.
What are the things of this world that we are all so easily - if not naturally - drawn to pursue first and foremost every day? How do those "rights and privileges" that we may feel are owed to us threaten to get in the way of God's kingdom?
Read Mark 8:38.
When have you been challenged to live for the audience of one? How did that require you to not be ashamed of Jesus and His word even to yourself? And how did it require that of you with others?
Take each of the four supporting points from this message and share one thing about each of them that you sense the Holy Spirit is leading you to do and then share what you are going to do about it:
1. Trade my self interests for God's interests.
2. Give up total control.
3. Redefine winning.
4. Live for an audience of one.
Pray for the steps each person felt led to do in the section above. Pray that each of us will grow closer to Jesus and experience his presence more and more in a real way. Pray that those around us who do not yet know Him will be drawn to Jesus because they see us living like him. Pray that we will hold each other accountable and help each other live out these ways of Jesus each and every day.
Be sure to fill out the online Connection Card to let us know next steps, prayer requests, or other information you'd like to share, click here.
Share spiritual/missional conversations you've had where you live, work, and play:
- Who did you have a conversation with that took a spiritual/missional turn this week?
- What questions did you ask to discover where God is at work in their life, even if they are not aware?
- How were you able to share your story of life change or how you have experienced Jesus?
- How can you be intentional this week with people where you live, work, and play to have spiritual/missional conversations if the opportunity arises?
- Who in your life do you think could be disciple-able or open to spiritual/missional conversations?
- Discuss the next step for your micro church. When will we gather again, and which purpose will it fulfill (missions, fellowship/care, growth, worship, multiplication)?/giveback/giveback
- Discuss the next step for your micro church. When will we gather again, and which purpose will it fulfill (missions, fellowship/care, growth, worship, multiplication)?
The Church Defined: Part 5 - Focused Mission
March 23rd, 2025
The Church Defined: Part 4 - Leadership Matters
March 16th, 2025
The Church Defined: Part 3 - Tough Love
March 9th, 2025
The Church Defined: Part 2 - Shared Mission
March 2nd, 2025
The Church Defined: Part 1 - This Not That
February 23rd, 2025
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