There are 3 ways you can join us:

At a Campus
OneLife has 2 campus locations in North & East Knoxville with identical worship experiences for adults and kids on Sunday mornings, and student programming on Wednesday nights.

In a Micro Church
We love to gather "large" at our campuses, but we also love to gather "small" in our Micro Churches which meet in homes all across Knox County on different days and times each week.

Traveling, home sick, or just wanting to check it out? Join us online live at 9 & 10:45am on Sundays or on-demand anytime to catch up on anything you missed!
campus Locations

North Knoxville / Powell
Powell Place Center
3503 W Emory Road Powell, TN 37849
Sundays at 9:00 & 10:45am
3503 W Emory Road Powell, TN 37849
Sundays at 9:00 & 10:45am

East Knoxville
Knoxville Center
2900 Knoxville Center Dr. Knoxville, TN 37924
Sundays at 10:00am
2900 Knoxville Center Dr. Knoxville, TN 37924
Sundays at 10:00am