The Lord's Prayer - Part 4: Kingdom Come
June 23, 2024
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Sermon Slides
OneLife Students at the Smokies Baseball Game - July 3
Wednesday, July 3rd OneLife Students will be headed to watch the Tennessee Smokies take on the Chattanooga Lookouts. The cost is $35 per person, which includes food and a ticket to the game. We will meet at the East Campus at 5:45pm and then Carpool to the Stadium. Parents you are invited to attend as well! To register, visit here.
Stay Connected Through the OneLife App
From watching services, to Micro Church discussion guides, to online giving, family resources and more - the OneLife app has everything you need to stay connected with our church. The app is also available on Apple TV and Roku so you can watch services on your TV at home! Download the mobile version of the app on your phone by going to on your phone’s web browser. And on Apple TV and Roku simply search the app store for “OneLife” and look for our logo.
MyOneLife - A 4-Week Sunday Morning Small Group Experience
The first step for every OneLifer to get involved and get to know our church culture and mission is a 4-week small group experience called MyOneLife. It takes place on Sunday mornings in the Meeting Room at each of our campuses. You’ll learn about the vision & values of our church, discover your personal mission & spiritual gifts, and find out tons of ways to get involved. The next MyOneLife will start on July 7th, so for more information or to sign up, mark the “MyOneLife” box on your Connection Card.
If you’ve given your life to Jesus but haven’t gone public with your story through baptism then it’s time to take that step! Mark the baptism box on your Connection Card and we’ll help you get started.
Give Jesus your best! Make a one-time tithe or offering or to set up a recurring tithe or offering: Click Here To Give Online.
Matthew 6:10 NLT
10 May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
BOTTOM LINE: The Kingdom of God can be right here and right now!
Matthew 6:10
May your Kingdom come soon…
1. We can only serve one kingdom.
-Not my Kingdom
-Not your Kingdom
-Not this country’s Kingdom
-Not a republican Kingdom
-Not a democratic Kingdom
-Not my work’s Kingdom
-Not the Kingdom of Social Media
Matthew 6:24 NLT
24 “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.
Exodus 34:14 NLT
14 You must worship no other gods, for the Lord, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you.
Matthew 6:10
May your will be done…
2. Experiencing the Kingdom means aligning our will with the Father’s.
Luke 22:42 NLT
42 “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
Matthew 6:10
…on earth, as it is in heaven.
3. The Kingdom of God is the culture of heaven on earth.
Share a time when you dreamed about something in the future - but as cool as it was to think about, it just seemed like something for later in life and did t really apply right here and right now.
When you think about the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven - does it seem like that? Does it seem like something in the future or something for later after our life is over?
Read Matthew 6:10 (NLT).
What does Jesus seem to hint at about the Kingdom of God? Is it something that seems like it's for the future or something for right now? What makes you think that?
Re-read the first part of Matthew 6:10. Who's Kingdom and who's will does Jesus say we should pray for? How does this differ from how we are tempted to pray?
Read Matthew 6:24 and Exodus 34:14.
How have you found yourself trying to serve other masters/gods/kingdoms? What are those kingdoms? Why and how do these things compete with God's Kingdom?
Read Luke 22:42.
What does it look like for you to submit your will to the Father's will just like Jesus did in this verse? What kind of things do you need to submit?
Read the last part of Matthew 6:10.
We defined the Kingdom of God as "the culture of Heaven coming to earth." What are words that come to mind when you think about the culture of Heaven? How will you start praying for those things this week?
Read Matthew 6:33.
How will you start to seek the Kingdom of God first as you pray like Jesus guided us to pray? How has this series started transforming the way you pray so far? How will you practice that more this week?
Like we did with this sermon, start praying through of the first two parts of the Lord's Prayer: Acknowledging our Heavenly Father and praying for his kingdom to come and his will to be done. Guide your Micro Church into this prayer.
Be sure to fill out the online Connection Card to let us know next steps, prayer requests, or other information you'd like to share, click here.
Share spiritual/missional conversations you've had where you live, work, and play:
- Who did you have a conversation with that took a spiritual/missional turn this week?
- What questions did you ask to discover where God is at work in their life, even if they are not aware?
- How were you able to share your story of life change or how you have experienced Jesus?
- How can you be intentional this week with people where you live, work, and play to have spiritual/missional conversations if the opportunity arises?
- Who in your life do you think could be disciple-able or open to spiritual/missional conversations?
- Discuss the next step for your micro church. When will we gather again, and which purpose will it fulfill (missions, fellowship/care, growth, worship, multiplication)?/giveback/giveback
- Discuss the next step for your micro church. When will we gather again, and which purpose will it fulfill (missions, fellowship/care, growth, worship, multiplication)?
June 23, 2024
Sermon Page
Sermon Slides
OneLife Students at the Smokies Baseball Game - July 3
Wednesday, July 3rd OneLife Students will be headed to watch the Tennessee Smokies take on the Chattanooga Lookouts. The cost is $35 per person, which includes food and a ticket to the game. We will meet at the East Campus at 5:45pm and then Carpool to the Stadium. Parents you are invited to attend as well! To register, visit here.
Stay Connected Through the OneLife App
From watching services, to Micro Church discussion guides, to online giving, family resources and more - the OneLife app has everything you need to stay connected with our church. The app is also available on Apple TV and Roku so you can watch services on your TV at home! Download the mobile version of the app on your phone by going to on your phone’s web browser. And on Apple TV and Roku simply search the app store for “OneLife” and look for our logo.
MyOneLife - A 4-Week Sunday Morning Small Group Experience
The first step for every OneLifer to get involved and get to know our church culture and mission is a 4-week small group experience called MyOneLife. It takes place on Sunday mornings in the Meeting Room at each of our campuses. You’ll learn about the vision & values of our church, discover your personal mission & spiritual gifts, and find out tons of ways to get involved. The next MyOneLife will start on July 7th, so for more information or to sign up, mark the “MyOneLife” box on your Connection Card.
If you’ve given your life to Jesus but haven’t gone public with your story through baptism then it’s time to take that step! Mark the baptism box on your Connection Card and we’ll help you get started.
Give Jesus your best! Make a one-time tithe or offering or to set up a recurring tithe or offering: Click Here To Give Online.
Matthew 6:10 NLT
10 May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
BOTTOM LINE: The Kingdom of God can be right here and right now!
Matthew 6:10
May your Kingdom come soon…
1. We can only serve one kingdom.
-Not my Kingdom
-Not your Kingdom
-Not this country’s Kingdom
-Not a republican Kingdom
-Not a democratic Kingdom
-Not my work’s Kingdom
-Not the Kingdom of Social Media
Matthew 6:24 NLT
24 “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.
Exodus 34:14 NLT
14 You must worship no other gods, for the Lord, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you.
Matthew 6:10
May your will be done…
2. Experiencing the Kingdom means aligning our will with the Father’s.
Luke 22:42 NLT
42 “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
Matthew 6:10
…on earth, as it is in heaven.
3. The Kingdom of God is the culture of heaven on earth.
Share a time when you dreamed about something in the future - but as cool as it was to think about, it just seemed like something for later in life and did t really apply right here and right now.
When you think about the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven - does it seem like that? Does it seem like something in the future or something for later after our life is over?
Read Matthew 6:10 (NLT).
What does Jesus seem to hint at about the Kingdom of God? Is it something that seems like it's for the future or something for right now? What makes you think that?
Re-read the first part of Matthew 6:10. Who's Kingdom and who's will does Jesus say we should pray for? How does this differ from how we are tempted to pray?
Read Matthew 6:24 and Exodus 34:14.
How have you found yourself trying to serve other masters/gods/kingdoms? What are those kingdoms? Why and how do these things compete with God's Kingdom?
Read Luke 22:42.
What does it look like for you to submit your will to the Father's will just like Jesus did in this verse? What kind of things do you need to submit?
Read the last part of Matthew 6:10.
We defined the Kingdom of God as "the culture of Heaven coming to earth." What are words that come to mind when you think about the culture of Heaven? How will you start praying for those things this week?
Read Matthew 6:33.
How will you start to seek the Kingdom of God first as you pray like Jesus guided us to pray? How has this series started transforming the way you pray so far? How will you practice that more this week?
Like we did with this sermon, start praying through of the first two parts of the Lord's Prayer: Acknowledging our Heavenly Father and praying for his kingdom to come and his will to be done. Guide your Micro Church into this prayer.
Be sure to fill out the online Connection Card to let us know next steps, prayer requests, or other information you'd like to share, click here.
Share spiritual/missional conversations you've had where you live, work, and play:
- Who did you have a conversation with that took a spiritual/missional turn this week?
- What questions did you ask to discover where God is at work in their life, even if they are not aware?
- How were you able to share your story of life change or how you have experienced Jesus?
- How can you be intentional this week with people where you live, work, and play to have spiritual/missional conversations if the opportunity arises?
- Who in your life do you think could be disciple-able or open to spiritual/missional conversations?
- Discuss the next step for your micro church. When will we gather again, and which purpose will it fulfill (missions, fellowship/care, growth, worship, multiplication)?/giveback/giveback
- Discuss the next step for your micro church. When will we gather again, and which purpose will it fulfill (missions, fellowship/care, growth, worship, multiplication)?
Posted in Micro Church Guides
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