Defeating Division: Part 3 - The Best Tool
November 14th, 2021
MICRO CHURCH GUIDENovember 14, 2021_____________________ANNOUNCEMENTSOneLife’s Angel TreeThe Christmas season is approaching, and it’s the perfect time for us to give back to those less fortunate. Thi...  Read More
Defeating Division: Part 2 - Secret Ingredient
November 7th, 2021
MICRO CHURCH GUIDENovember 7, 2021_____________________ANNOUNCEMENTSOneLife’s Angel TreeThe Christmas season is approaching, and it’s the perfect time for us to give back to those less fortunate. This...  Read More
Defeating Division
October 31st, 2021
MICRO CHURCH GUIDEOctober 31, 2021_____________________ANNOUNCEMENTSHalloween On Mission!Halloween is almost here - and guess what? We don’t want you to celebrate Halloween! What? That’s right - don’t...  Read More
The Good Book: Part 5 - Sharing
October 24th, 2021
How has someone had to change the way they explained something so that you could better understand? (A doctor explaining a condition, a teacher explaining a topic, something presented online that chan...  Read More
The Good Book: Part 4 - Study Time
October 17th, 2021
When you hear the word "study" what comes to mind for you? Did you like to study when you were in school? Why or why not? What made you want to study (if you even did!)?...  Read More
The Good Book: Part 3 - Meditating
October 10th, 2021
What is an example of something or someone that you knew information about, but when you really got to know it or them everything changed? It actually made sense? Everything clicked?...  Read More
The Good Book: Part 2 - The Author
October 3rd, 2021
A credible author writes a trustworthy book....  Read More
The Good Book: Part 1 - More Than a Book
September 26th, 2021
What is something you believed just because someone told you it was true? (Like don’t touch a birds nest or the mother won’t come back!) What is something you now do as an adult because that’s just th...  Read More
Stop Going to Church - Part 6: Power Source
September 19th, 2021
What is something you've needed to use but the power source was bad or didn't work? How did it keep you from doing what you needed to do? How did it make that thing or that tool useless? How frustrati...  Read More
Stop Going to Church - Part 5: Inclusive
September 12th, 2021
When have you been part of a group or organization where the membership process was divisive rather than a development tool? Have you ever seen the membership process be one that develops people rathe...  Read More
Stop Going to Church - Part 4: Called Out
September 9th, 2021
What is the most monumental thing you’ve ever been a part of or seen? Maybe you didn’t realize it was a big deal at the time....  Read More
Stop Going To Church - Part 3: Identifying Members
August 29th, 2021
When have you joined something as a member that was simply based on signing up for it or based on a promise to do something in the future rather than a history of commitment or experience?...  Read More


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