Leave My Mark: Part 6 - My People, My Influence
August 28, 2022
“I Love My Campus” Work Days! - Today and Tuesday
Our Elementary large group room is getting an upgrade - it’s becoming a dual-purpose room serving Elementary on Sundays and OneLife Students on Wednesday nights. So we need your help with painting, moving equipment, decorations and more! Plus, we’ve got several other projects around our campuses to get our buildings in top shape. It’ll take place on August 28 from 12-2pm right after the second service with lunch provided, and on August 30 from 6-9pm with childcare provided. To help, write “Work Days” on your Connection Card or visit onelifeknox.com/workdays.
The Tour - After Each Service
If you’re newer to OneLife, then stay after the service on Sunday, August 28 for a 15 minute meet ‘n greet that we call “The Tour.” We’ll have some light snacks and refreshments, take a tour around the facility, learn more about why we do many of the things we do, and - most importantly - give you a chance to meet some people! Just look for the sign that says “The Tour,” and if you have kids, they can remain in Kid City until The Tour is over.
MyOneLife - A 4-Week Small Group Experience, Starts September 4
If you’re newer to OneLife or have been attending for a while but haven’t gotten involved, then MyOneLife is your next step! It’s a 4-week small group experience where you’ll learn about the history, vision & values of our church, discover your personal mission and spiritual gifts, and have opportunities to get involved. MyOneLife takes place on Sunday mornings during the 10:45am service in the Meeting Room at each of our campuses starting on September 4. For more information, check the “MyOneLife” box on your Connection Card.
MANday Night, September 19
September 19 isn't going to be just another Monday night. For the guys of OneLife, it's going to be a MANday night. Join us at East Campus at 7pm for some good food, a time to hang out and meet other guys, and a few other surprises. Let us know your're coming by writing "MANday Night" on your connection card or visit onelifeknox.com/manday. Dads, bring your middle school and high school sons with you!
Give Jesus your best! Make a one-time tithe or offering or to set up a recurring tithe or offering: Click Here To Give Online.
August 28, 2022
“I Love My Campus” Work Days! - Today and Tuesday
Our Elementary large group room is getting an upgrade - it’s becoming a dual-purpose room serving Elementary on Sundays and OneLife Students on Wednesday nights. So we need your help with painting, moving equipment, decorations and more! Plus, we’ve got several other projects around our campuses to get our buildings in top shape. It’ll take place on August 28 from 12-2pm right after the second service with lunch provided, and on August 30 from 6-9pm with childcare provided. To help, write “Work Days” on your Connection Card or visit onelifeknox.com/workdays.
The Tour - After Each Service
If you’re newer to OneLife, then stay after the service on Sunday, August 28 for a 15 minute meet ‘n greet that we call “The Tour.” We’ll have some light snacks and refreshments, take a tour around the facility, learn more about why we do many of the things we do, and - most importantly - give you a chance to meet some people! Just look for the sign that says “The Tour,” and if you have kids, they can remain in Kid City until The Tour is over.
MyOneLife - A 4-Week Small Group Experience, Starts September 4
If you’re newer to OneLife or have been attending for a while but haven’t gotten involved, then MyOneLife is your next step! It’s a 4-week small group experience where you’ll learn about the history, vision & values of our church, discover your personal mission and spiritual gifts, and have opportunities to get involved. MyOneLife takes place on Sunday mornings during the 10:45am service in the Meeting Room at each of our campuses starting on September 4. For more information, check the “MyOneLife” box on your Connection Card.
MANday Night, September 19
September 19 isn't going to be just another Monday night. For the guys of OneLife, it's going to be a MANday night. Join us at East Campus at 7pm for some good food, a time to hang out and meet other guys, and a few other surprises. Let us know your're coming by writing "MANday Night" on your connection card or visit onelifeknox.com/manday. Dads, bring your middle school and high school sons with you!
Give Jesus your best! Make a one-time tithe or offering or to set up a recurring tithe or offering: Click Here To Give Online.
Posted in Micro Church Guides
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